Our commitment statement

We allow you to access information held within our health service. We won't give you access if it's in the public's best interest for us to keep it private.

The information can be about your health records or our processes.

What is right to information

The Right to Information (RTI) process is the Queensland Government's approach to giving the community greater access to information.

This is defined under 2 pieces of legislation.

Before you make an application

Step 1. Check if the information is or will be online

We publish some information online. Before you make a request, check if it is already online through:

You can also check what information is due for publication online through the Queensland Government Open Data Portal.

Step 2. Contact the facility

If you'd like information from a specific facility, you can contact them directly.

The staff may be able to:

  • show you where to find information you need
  • give you a copy
  • update your information.

Step 3. Check if the information is available through our administrative access process

Ask if your information is available through our administrative access process. Contact our Release of Information Unit on 07 4920 6734.

For more details on administrative access, visit our health record page.

How to make a Right to Information Application

If you’re not able to request your information through our administrative access process, you can make a formal Right to Information Application by applying online or downloading a form from the Queensland Government website.

There may be fees and charges depending on your request.

If you choose to download and complete a form, submit it:

  • by email to cqhhs.roi.privacy@health.qld.gov.au
  • in person at a CQ Health facility
  • by post to:
    • Release of Information Unit
      Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service
      PO Box 871
      Rockhampton Qld 4700

After you submit an application

We'll write and let you know if we can give you the information or update it for you.

If you’re unhappy with our decision, you can apply to have it reviewed. You need to do this within 20 business days from the date on the letter telling you about our decision.

You can also ask the Information Commissioner to review our decision.