Disclosure log

You'll find any documents that have been released under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) in one of our disclosure logs.

If you'd like copies of the documents listed in this log, you can email cqhhs.roi@health.qld.gov.au or call us on 07 4920 6734.

You can also write to us at:

Release of Information Unit
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service
PO Box 871
Rockhampton Qld 4700

If we don't have the information you're requesting, Queensland Health website has a list of privacy contact officers at each hospital and health service who may be able to help.

Reference number Date of decision Pages disclosed in full or in part Topic or information requested


25 February 2014


Purchase of processed fruit October 2012 - September 2013


13 March 2014


Affected Position Spreadsheet


20 August 2014


Complaints Data 2013 - 2014, SAC 1 Clinical Incidents 2011-2014


10 February 2015

368 folios released in full - with the exception of irrelevant information

8 folios refused in full

Revised scope:

  1. Any advice, recommendations, consideration or other information about whether a tender or similar open bidding process was used and/or should have been considered and/or used in relation to the partnership with Vanguard health, signed with the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Board, to provide doctors. I am also interested in any information about why a tender or open bidding process was not used in relation to the services provided by Vanguard Health including any concerns about whether taxpayers received best value for money.
  2. Any information about whether Yeppoon Hospital has received value for money and/or market competitive services from the partnership with Vanguard Health.
  3. Any information about whether Queensland Health should have, and/or, could have sourced the doctors for Yeppoon hospital itself and any information about why such a process was not undertaken.
  4. Information about the contract or agreement signed with Vanguard Health including value, terms, conditions, and duration.
CQHHS (22-23)0129 December 2022

42 pages released in full

No documents in relation to point 2

A contextual explanatory note regarding Doc 1 is also included

  1. The recommendations from the report prepared by Dr Rebecca Kimble early in 2022 in regard to Gladstone Hospital's Maternity Unit.
  2. The expenditure from the Gladstone Hospital Budget for Gladstone Hospital staff to work at Rockhampton Hospital Maternity Unit.
  3. The number of births at Gladstone Hospital Maternity Unit since it was announced it has been on bypass. The number of births at Rockhampton Hospital since Gladstone Hospital Maternity Unit has been on bypass.
  4. The communication provided to staff for them to inform women about their birthing options in Gladstone. Time period: 2022.
CQHHS (22-23)0139 December 202245 pages released in full, with the exception of irrelevant informationCorrespondence directly to or from the Member for Gladstone and his office, and to or from the Minister for Health and her office, via the CQHHS in relation to the Gladstone Hospital Maternity Services. For the time period 01/06/2022 to 11/10/2022.
CQHHS (22-23)04311 August 2023No documents

Revised scope:

How many notifications received by CQHHS of AHPRA notifications, Referrals deidentified, Correspondence from AHPRA to CQHHS about investigations – Rockhampton and Gladstone Hospital. For the time period 1 July 2022 to 1 June 2023.

CQHHS (22-23)04411 August 2023No documents

Revised scope:

All internal complaints lodged about Obstetrics and Gynaecology Staff/Unit at Rockhampton and Gladstone Hospital. Specifics about complaints (deidentified), Initial complaint and report of outcome. Correspondence outlining if complaint was substantiated, unsubstantiated or review ongoing. For the time period 1 July 2022 to 1 June 2023.

CQHHS (22-23)0381 September 2023

239 pages released in full, with the exception of irrelevant information

1  page released in part

52 pages refused in full

Correspondence directly to or from the Member for Gladstone and his office, and to or from the Minister for Health and her office, via the CQHHS in relation to the Gladstone Hospital Maternity Services. For the time period: 12/10/2022 to 28/04/2023.
CQHHS (23-24)0386 March 202435 pages released in full, with the exception of irrelevant (personal) information
  1. Any documents relating to the findings of the (internal) investigation or inquiry. (Relating to Mr Roach’s disappearance)
  2. Any documents relating to the recommendations as a result of the (internal) inquiry or findings following Mr Roach's disappearance.
  3. Any documents relating to change of policies and processes as a result of the internal investigation/inquiry (relating to Mr Roach’s disappearance)
  4. Correspondence between CQHHS and its security contractors or police in relation to the disappearance.
CQHHS (23-24)0518 March 202438 pages released in full, with the exception of irrelevant information (out of scope)

Revised scope:

The accreditation (NSQHS) assessment and any recommendations outlined in the Initial Report and Final Report, specifically relating to the Biloela Hospital. For the time period: 1/03/2023 - 30/06/2023

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