Central Queensland Health is wishing every resident a happy and healthy Christmas period, free from unnecessary hospital visits.
Rockhampton Hospital Director of Medical Services Dr Michael Kirk said that, traditionally the Christmas holidays involved a lot of driving, with people spending time with loved ones.
“My wish is that our residents take every step possible to avoid accidents,” he said. “That includes ensuring everyone in your car is wearing a seat belt, not drinking and driving, not speeding, and being well rested before getting behind the wheel.”
Dr Kirk said he’d put in a good word with Santa that it was important to give age-appropriate gifts, especially to toddlers who tend to put everything in their mouth.
“Button batteries are extremely dangerous in tiny hands,” he said.
“Also, when you give a gift with wheels - bikes, scooters, and skateboards - please include a helmet. Avoid trying out these gifts after partaking in alcoholic cheer. Nobody wants to spend their holidays in hospital with a broken bone that could have been avoided.”
In our hot summer holidays, it is essential to seek out shade, use sunscreen and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Keep a careful eye out for your vulnerable loved ones – that is the elderly or very young.
Snake bites are another potential danger at this time of year, so please take care especially when walking around long grass.
Our team wishes our community a safe, healthy and happy holiday season, and we’ll be available should you need urgent medical attention. If your condition is not urgent remember our sickest patients always receive priority, but there are alternative no-cost options if you’d rather not wait.
To seek non-urgent medical advice, check out the Virtual Emergency Care Service online from 8am to 10pm, or speak to a registered nurse 24/7 at 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
Residents should also stay safe with festive food this year, by following simple food safe tips.
Environmental Health Manager Angela Rea said the Public Health team’s wish was for residents to take care when preparing food or saving leftovers.
“We all know that at this time of year it’s usually scorching in Central Queensland, and we want everyone’s Christmas tables to include treats that are tasty, but healthy,” she said.
Maintain the following food safety tips and ensure any leftovers are refrigerated soon after use so they’re not left sitting out in the heat.
Potentially unsafe food:
- Has an expired ‘use-by’ date
- Doesn’t look, smell or taste as it should
- Has opened or damaged packaging
- Has a plastic seal that has been removed or damaged
- Looks damaged or different to other containers of the same food
- Looks unusual (eg bulging cans)
Ms Rea said it was also very important to correctly prepare and cook food to avoid food poisoning. This includes:
- Washing your hands
- Handling food safely
- Keeping hot food hot, and cold food cold
- Cleaning and sanitising plates, utensils, and cooking equipment
- Reducing risks of pests and animals coming into contact with food.
“You don’t want your food to be the cause of illness of your loved ones over Christmas, and remember, if in doubt, throw it out!” Ms Rea said.