Warm welcome to Central Queensland's newest nurses and midwives

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Very large group of nurses, most wearing navy scrubs, stand and sit in a big group photo on their first day of orientation, in an undercover outside area of the hospital’s learning and development centre.
Chief Executive Lisa Blackler (second right), and Interim Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery Julie Kahl (right), give a very warm welcome to Central Queensland Health’s biggest ever first intake of graduate registered nurses and midwives.


Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service is welcoming a record 149 graduate nurses and midwives this year.

The first intake of 85 graduates started last week and is doing two weeks of intensive orientation before heading to different hospitals and units across Central Queensland. A second intake of 64 graduates starts on February 24.

Following their orientation programs, they will work in Baralaba, Biloela, Blackwater, Capricorn Coast, Emerald, Eventide Home, North Rockhampton Nursing Centre, Moura, Mt Morgan, Springsure, Theodore and Woorabinda, as well as across all units in Gladstone and Rockhampton Hospitals.

Interim Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery Julie Kahl said the registered nurses’ graduate year provided support and mentorship by senior nurses, clinical facilitators and educators.

“These graduate nurses and midwives are a wonderful boost to our clinical teams and will help us to address the challenge of recruiting to a regional area to enable the delivery of sustainable health services across the region,” she said.

“It’s important to provide support to our graduates as they transition from the classroom into the workplace and our clinical teams.

“As well as on-the-job training they receive practical tutorials and assessments throughout the year.”

Central Queensland Health offers many pathways for nurses and provides many opportunities to upskill and progress in an essential profession.

“Nursing is a truly rewarding occupation, and we welcome our new graduates with open arms. I congratulate them on the completion of their studies and wish them well for this graduate year and into the future,” Ms Kahl said.