How we developed our strategic plan

We developed our strategic plan through extensive consultation with members of our community and our staff.

It outlines our vision: 'Great care for Central Queenslanders.'

Our objectives

  • Great Care, Great Experience: safe, compassionate care, delivered to the highest standards, close to home, with consumers at the heart of all we do.
  • Great People, Great Place to Work: great staff working in great teams with a culture of supporting and investing in our people's future.
  • Great Partnerships: working collaboratively with our partners to deliver great care and improve the health of Central Queenslanders.
  • Sustainable Future: securing the future of great healthcare with efficient, effective, affordable and sustainable services.

The plan describes our objectives, strategies and key performance indicators. It helps patients and carers, staff, our community, partners and all other stakeholders understand our future direction.

Read the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service Strategic Plan 2024–2028 [PDF 916.74 KB].